Sorry, these pictures are a little mixed up.
These are the Flavourators.
An "almost-group" picture at the end.
I am not sure what these were called, but it was one of the little kid's rides I could go on, due to my height. Some of my younger siblings couldn't go on! :)
The jet.
These next ones are from the top of the jet.
In the jet.
I should have made this one look more interesting, but, oh well.
The stand-up roller coaster...

I tried to get the expression on these people's faces. I only got some and the fence was in the way.
The helicopters.
From the antique cars.
The Behemoth.

The Behemoth-taken from the water park.
A wooden roller coaster going through the water park.
Some water park slides-as wild as the rides themselves.
The Carousel-I managed to go on this one, too.

The Ghoster Coaster.
The White Water Canyon.
One of the children's rides.
Another one I managed to go on. :)
I don't know what this is-another children's ride.
The Bat-going over the loop.

Just a random picture.
I don't know what this was called.
This was by the Bat.
The Bat again.
Elisabeth's roller coaster hair! :)