Well, I was quite disappointed in the election result. I was thinking, at the very most, that Justin Trudeau would get a minority vote.
What good have the Liberals done to our country? So far, not much.
In fact, Stephen Harper was the best Prime Minister Canada has ever had. In this post, I hope to engage everyone in some critical thinking:
- No matter what a leader promises, there are often more pressing issues at hand than the ones they have promised, so it may take a little longer - or not at all - to deal with lesser problems.
- Many political parties, even the most scrupulous ones, can promise anything to be elected. It doesn't mean they are "the one" to rule the country.
- Noone should tell the government how to govern if they have not been in the seat themselves. For all you know, the government may be dealing with a highly secret discovery that will threaten the country ( I know that example is a little extreme, but how does anyone know?)
- People who did not vote have no right to complain.
- What did Stephen Harper do to have a sudden cause for complaint?!
Look at the Liberals, who want to legalize marijuana and brothels. I understand the purpose for legalizing brothels, but, as a Christian, I am still very strongly against it. Marijuana, even if it would be for extreme medical cases only (which I am very sure is not the case) it would probably get into the hands of the wrong people; besides, what type of governor would want to bring its citizens to harm?
I was not very happy with the federal election results; however, it makes me even more thankful to be in the riding where the Conservatives have still prevailed and the riding of my church has, once again, been elected Conservative.*