Friday, November 27, 2015

In Hopes...

of igniting a storm of letters to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

*My first time I have gotten something published in a newspaper!

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Peaceful World


This morning we had a light snowfall, but now it is snowing fat, wet flakes that stick together and turn roads into slippery rinks. Standing outside in the falling snow is so beautiful and peaceful.

Friday, November 20, 2015


     I am sorry I haven't posted anything recently. It is been busy: last week was full of assignments due at the same time, and this week has been "testing week." On top of all that, there are only 3/4 weeks left of the semester after this. ...

Waiting for the testing to begin.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Remembering Lost Lives


     Can you imagine Hitler ruling the world? Thank our God who sent courageous men and women to oppose him. Many innocent people lost their lives in only World War II.

     Unfortunately, as long as Satan wishes, the warring won't stop, but God continuously fights and triumphs over him and we must be thankful to God that he has kept our country from turmoil.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Year-Old Pictures

     My sister, R had taken these pictures a while back; I couldn't believe how badly our van had been damaged.
The doctors, nurses, police couldn't believe that S had escaped with only a major concussion and a steering wheel bruise (she "should" have been killed). 

Noone knows what happened on October 29, 2014.

The front tire was missing, the bridge rail was crumbling, and the van was a significant way from the bridge meaning it could have possibly flown in the air. 

The van had landed in a creek and the little valley was very foggy.

In three years, we had totaled 3 vehicles. This was the third. We had a difficult time finding a new (to us, at least) 15-seater van of the same "type."

My mother believes this was a call to repentance and an example of God's protection.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

New Prime Minister

     The day I was hoping would never happen. I don't know why I took this election so hard; I guess I was expecting more from our people in favour of Prime Minister Stephen Harper. Few Liberals have done good to our country. I don't expect anything from them now. Likely, people won't realize their mistake until too late.
*not my picture (from CBC).

     Oh well, we shall take each day as it comes and hope that Justin Trudeau will take his job and swearing-in over the Bible very seriously and bring good to our country (not the bad that he has promised). If that is not the case, I hope and pray that God will bring a Godly government back.