"And having food and raiment let us be therewith content."
1. Timothy 6: 8
"...be content with such things as ye have:..."
Hebrews 13: 5
Germany celebrates in September, America celebrates in November, and Canada celebrates in October; but no matter when it is celebrated, I think that it is important to keep a day for Thanksgiving aside in all countries. This year, we had a near drought; nevertheless; we had many, many tomatoes and blackberries, and we had an okay amount of other crops. We won't starve.
What I have also discovered is that thanks comes from the ability to be content with what we have. Our country is probably ten times richer than half the countries in the world, and though we live below the poverty line in our country, we are still many times richer than those in some other nations.
Along the same lines: our rich countries do not know the value of preserving things, and we become wasteful of our blessings. Being citizens of some of the richest countries in the world, we must share our abundance with those who have less and make sure that we - as God's stewards - may never treat our gifts as something to be careless about.
Now, my excuse for not posting in months: school - I am hoping to keep my grades up, and it requires some effort to do that.
As an aside: I made horseradish yesterday - fun but teary.