Yesterday,our mother took the four medium girls,the five little kids,and R to Joseph Schneider Haus. It was quite interesting;we spun flax,twisted rope(it's strong!),and R and I did some weaving. We also watered the garden by hand-pumping the water into pails and lugging it there.It wasn't very hard(I suppose,though,that if you do it for a long time,then it might be),except that it was hot. A guy explained what some of the plants were and what they were used for. There were sooooooo many things. I was glad for the guy that explained everything to us(except his pronunciation of "schnitzelbank" was kind of disconcerting.) and demonstrated the many tools for us.
Today,at work, I learned how to print pictures from film,make black and white pictures from coloured prints,and to scan old pictures.It is still fairly simple,though.
"Russian" is going along okay.It's fairly easy so far(I am only on lesson 2,though),especially since there are no articles before a noun. :) I take it to work with me. The letters are very interesting to write. :)
I come from a big family, as some people might say, and I really like that there are so many. There can be bad times and good(mostly good, of course), but God is always close in every time. Lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. Matthew 6:20 and 21.
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
A New Experience,School Time Again
Yesterday,S(one of my younger sisters) and I went to L's(one of my older sisters) work to be "trained." That is,to learn how to greet customers(that's hard!),to know how to work the photo operating machines and computers,and to take passport photos,before Laura starts school next week. It is fairly simple,but I do like it when it's busier.
It is certainly school time again. M(my oldest sister)just started school yesterday,L will be starting school next week,as well as R(one of my older sisters),and we will all probably start sometime soon,I think. I will be glad to get on to Grade 12 stuff. The weather definitely acts like fall weather,and people are starting to wear sweaters and cozier clothing.
It is certainly school time again. M(my oldest sister)just started school yesterday,L will be starting school next week,as well as R(one of my older sisters),and we will all probably start sometime soon,I think. I will be glad to get on to Grade 12 stuff. The weather definitely acts like fall weather,and people are starting to wear sweaters and cozier clothing.
Saturday, August 25, 2012
A More Recent Picture/Taking off Laundry under the Stars
This is the most recent picture of me(unless,of course,someone has taken another one in the time from when this was taken). It was taken on the 18 of August this year:
Yesterday,I took off the laundry when the stars were out and when it was dark. It was very peaceful and nice except for the occasional airplane. :)
Friday, August 24, 2012
Another Hymn
This hymn has nice words and a nice melody,and it is so easy to play,that I think this is my favourite:
When the trials of the day
Come to burden and dismay,
And the waves of disappointment seem to roll,
I retreat unto my Friend
For I always can depend
That He understands my needs of heart and soul.
When the burdens that I bear
I entrust to You in prayer,
And some answers are withheld, I yielded stay;
May my faith and peace in Thee
Ever sure and anchored be
Till the dawning of that great eternal day.
Jesus, let me walk with Thee
Though the path I may not see;
Let me place my hand in Thine so trustingly;
In Thy strength and not in mine,
While I lay my will in Thine,
Your protecting arms surround and comfort me.
The weather is getting warmer again. Hopefully,it will stay like that for a time.Yesterday was a beautiful day and I was going to do my schoolwork outside,but it never happened.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
N with His "Hay Bales"/Russian
Today,my 3 and a half year old brother,N,took a bag of marshmallows out of the pantry. I was wondering what he would do with them,so I followed him... He dumped the bag on the floor and stacked them in groups of three to make "hay bales. I took them away,and he would have made a fuss had I not given him other "hay bales" to play with(Canned,storebought soup). He is now happily playing with cars.
I have bought a Russian lesson book and am now learning Russian. There are 20 lessons and,if I do one a week,I will be done at the end of the year.So,I am starting it as part of my school curriculum. Hopefully,I will know a little bit more than when I started. Probably not much more,but a bit more. Well,we'll see...and then I will have to make sure that I don't forget it. That will be a trial as there are not many people with whom I will be able to converse or many Russian books to read. Well,I will see how it goes anyhow.
I have bought a Russian lesson book and am now learning Russian. There are 20 lessons and,if I do one a week,I will be done at the end of the year.So,I am starting it as part of my school curriculum. Hopefully,I will know a little bit more than when I started. Probably not much more,but a bit more. Well,we'll see...and then I will have to make sure that I don't forget it. That will be a trial as there are not many people with whom I will be able to converse or many Russian books to read. Well,I will see how it goes anyhow.
Our Last Guest Left
Yesterday,we drove our last guest to the airport. It will be different now that we were used to guests,but we will adjust back to normal. He also took his saxophone with him so we will not hear it anymore,either.
Monday, August 20, 2012
Music,Eden House,Blue Eyes,Books to Read
On Saturday we had visitors for S's birthday celebration. After that,we sang. There were lots of instruments,and I think that they drowned out the singing. :) 4 violins,1 piano,1 trumpet,1 saxophone,1 recorder, and 1 harp. It was a nice and special time,because we don't do it very often.
Yesterday,we went to a nursing and retirement home to conduct a service there. After,as we were leaving a lady beckoned me over,so I went. When I had come she said that she just wanted to touch my braid. :')
It is funny to notice that all of our guests that stayed at our house had nice blue eyes.
In our library we have 2 bookshelves,one on each side of the library. One has Christian or related books and the other has secular books. As I was cleaning up the Christian books,I realized how little of them I had read(most of them are German and that is one of the reasons why).So I have decided to go through all of those that I haven't read yet. It will take a while,but I think it will be worth it. Each time I read my Bible in the evenings I will read one chapter of one book. I am currently reading a German book entitled "Die Nachfolge Christi" by Thomas of Kempen.
Samstag hatten wir besuch für S's Geburtstag. Später,haben wir gesungen. Da waren viele instrumente und ich denke daß du koenntest keiner singen hoeren. Es war eine schoene zeit,weil wir es nicht oft machen.
Gestern sind wir zu ein alten Heim gegangen ein Gottesdienst zu haben. Nach dem Gottesdienst wollte eine frau daß ich neben ihr kam. Als ich da kam sagte sie daß sie wollte nur mein zopf anfassen. :')
Es ist lustig zu denken daß alle unsere Gäste die hier geblieben hatten schoene blaue Augen.
Yesterday,we went to a nursing and retirement home to conduct a service there. After,as we were leaving a lady beckoned me over,so I went. When I had come she said that she just wanted to touch my braid. :')
It is funny to notice that all of our guests that stayed at our house had nice blue eyes.
In our library we have 2 bookshelves,one on each side of the library. One has Christian or related books and the other has secular books. As I was cleaning up the Christian books,I realized how little of them I had read(most of them are German and that is one of the reasons why).So I have decided to go through all of those that I haven't read yet. It will take a while,but I think it will be worth it. Each time I read my Bible in the evenings I will read one chapter of one book. I am currently reading a German book entitled "Die Nachfolge Christi" by Thomas of Kempen.
Samstag hatten wir besuch für S's Geburtstag. Später,haben wir gesungen. Da waren viele instrumente und ich denke daß du koenntest keiner singen hoeren. Es war eine schoene zeit,weil wir es nicht oft machen.
Gestern sind wir zu ein alten Heim gegangen ein Gottesdienst zu haben. Nach dem Gottesdienst wollte eine frau daß ich neben ihr kam. Als ich da kam sagte sie daß sie wollte nur mein zopf anfassen. :')
Es ist lustig zu denken daß alle unsere Gäste die hier geblieben hatten schoene blaue Augen.
Saturday, August 18, 2012
A Typical Fall Day.
Yesterday seemed like a typical fall day,windy and cool. It is halfway through August and school will be starting soon-I in my last year probably(I might take an extra year).I can hardly believe that. Wow! Everything goes by so fast!
Gestern war ein typisch Herbst tag,starker wind und kühl. Es ist halben weg durch August und schule wird bald wieder anfangen-ich in mein letztes jahr(vielleicht werde ich ein extra jahr nehmen). Ich kann das kaum glauben. Alles geht viel zu schnell vorbei!
Gestern war ein typisch Herbst tag,starker wind und kühl. Es ist halben weg durch August und schule wird bald wieder anfangen-ich in mein letztes jahr(vielleicht werde ich ein extra jahr nehmen). Ich kann das kaum glauben. Alles geht viel zu schnell vorbei!
Thursday, August 16, 2012
A Beautiful Hymn
I,at one time, thought that this was an ordinary hymn with a nice melody. Once,though,as I was reading through the words,I realized how beautiful it actually is.
God, that madest earth and heaven,
Darkness and light;
Who the day for toil hast given,
For rest the night;
May thy constant power defend us,
Slumber sweet thy mercy send us;
Holy dreams and hopes attend us,
This livelong night.
When the constant sun returning
Unseals our eyes,
May we, born anew like morning,
To labour rise;
Gird us for the task that calls us,
Let not ease and self enthrall us,
Strong through thee whatever befall us,
O God most wise!
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Weeds,Weeds,and More Weeds and Rain
Rain,rain do not stay,
Come again when we're away.
We all wish to work and play,
In the sunshine all the day.
If the rain keeps up,we will have weed beds and gardens instead of flower beds and vegetable gardens. Sure,the nonweeds grow,too,but not as fast. This morning when I went to the garden to pick beans(it was sunny then)I saw a carpet of small weeds. It was,though,soon covered with pulled weeds from the bean row. Plenty. The sun was still pretty hot when it was not covered with clouds.
Da ist viel zu viel Unkraut.Ich muß jeden tag sie raus ziehen jetzt...wenn es nicht regnet. Ich habe schon ein reihe bohnen und eine halbe reihe Kartoffel gezieht. Ich habe fast keine Kartoffel Käfer gesehen.
Da ist viel zu viel Unkraut.Ich muß jeden tag sie raus ziehen jetzt...wenn es nicht regnet. Ich habe schon ein reihe bohnen und eine halbe reihe Kartoffel gezieht. Ich habe fast keine Kartoffel Käfer gesehen.
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Sister's Birthday,What I Read in Bible Verses
My sister,S,just turned 16 yesterday.Wow!I can't believe that she is so old. When you are that age it doesn't seem old,but when you think about other people being it,then it seems old. Very strange,but true.Well,at least S had a little warmer and sunnier day(although not warm enough for swimming) on her birthday unlike today-it is dreary and cold again. Probably will be for the rest of the week.
These are some Bible verses that I read-very nice:
These are some Bible verses that I read-very nice:
Am Anfang schuf GOtt Himmel und Erde.
Und Gott sprach:Es werde Licht! Und es ward Licht. Und Gott sah,daß das Licht gut war.
1.Mose 1:1,3,4
Und Gott der Herr machte den Menschen aus einem Erdenkloß,und er blies ihm einden lebendigen Odem in seine Nase. Und also ward der Mensch eine lebendige Seele.
1. Mose 2:7
Da Gott den Menschen schuf, machte er ihn nach dem Gleichnis GOttes.
1.Mose 5:1
Monday, August 13, 2012
Saturday/Starting to Read the German Bible/Stars and the Milky Way
On Saturday it was a dreary day,inside and out. Outside it was rainy and wet,inside one of our guests had to leave that day. For some,especially the younger children, it was quite disappointing. :(
I have finished reading the Bible in English and have started it now in German. :)
Yesterday,there were enough clear spots to see the Milky Way Galaxy and many,many stars. I tried hard to look for shooting stars,but I couldn't find any,... unfortunately. Anyway, it was still nice and quiet outside with all the beautiful,twinkling stars.
I have finished reading the Bible in English and have started it now in German. :)
Yesterday,there were enough clear spots to see the Milky Way Galaxy and many,many stars. I tried hard to look for shooting stars,but I couldn't find any,... unfortunately. Anyway, it was still nice and quiet outside with all the beautiful,twinkling stars.
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Swimming for the Last Time in a While
We did go swimming yesterday,but that is where it ends. When I woke up this morning,it was grey and raining,unfortunately,and it is predicted that the rest of the week will be cold,grey,yucky,and rainy. No more swimming for some time. :( But we did have a fun time so that was good.
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Visitors and Swimming
We just picked up another visitor from the airport yesterday. Three guys are visiting at the same time! We went swimming yesterday for the last time for a while,it seems,because all the days are getting cooler now,unfortunately.
Saturday, August 4, 2012
Disappointing Piano Exam Mark
Well, I got my piano exam mark and it is a little disappointing-a 61. Anyway, my piano teacher,Renee, made me understand that it is not the marks that count,but the reason why I play music...because I like to play and listen to it. I can play older,nice pieces(or snatches of pieces) that I have played before whenever I feel like it. Anyway,at least I passed my exam and can go on to my Grade 10...more nicer pieces!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
Friday, August 3, 2012
Raspberry Jam
Raspberry jam!!!!!!!!!!!! Freshly made this morning. I put too much sugar in,though,so it would have been taffy if I had not put some frozen strawberries in.
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Close to the End of Summer
It's already the beginning of August! And soon it will be school again...Wow! The summer has gone by soooooooo fast.
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