Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Sister's Birthday,What I Read in Bible Verses

     My sister,S,just turned 16 yesterday.Wow!I can't believe that she is so old. When you are that age it doesn't seem old,but when you think about other people being it,then it seems old. Very strange,but true.Well,at least S had a little warmer and sunnier day(although not warm enough for swimming) on her birthday unlike today-it is dreary and cold again. Probably will be for the rest of the week.

     These are some Bible verses that I read-very nice:

     Am Anfang schuf GOtt Himmel und Erde.
Und Gott sprach:Es werde Licht! Und es ward Licht. Und Gott sah,daß das Licht gut war.
1.Mose 1:1,3,4

Und Gott der Herr machte den Menschen aus einem Erdenkloß,und er blies ihm einden lebendigen Odem in seine Nase. Und also ward der Mensch eine lebendige Seele.
1. Mose 2:7

Da Gott den Menschen schuf, machte er ihn nach dem Gleichnis GOttes.
1.Mose 5:1

1 comment:

  1. 16 isn't old, 17 however very much is.
    I hope for you that there comes a warm time again before winter. Over here it's been storming this night, but still very hot and schwül.
    Those verses are nice - it's GOD who gave us life and if we don't live it for him it's a waste of time.


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