June already! Now, here are all the pictures. Sorry that they are all mixed up-there are dates written on the later pictures.
A sunset. :)
Shade makes himself comfortable!
Iris.A blue one.
Star of Bethlehem closed up for the night.
These are both the same spot in a bush; the top one used flash and the bottom one did not.
The sun setting over a field and garden.
Spinning around. :) It's a cool effect!
The pond.
Both of these are the pond, too.
A round moon one clear night.
The date is on here. It's an interesting picture.
Looks like these were all on the same day. Maybe at different times, though.
A bumblebee on the Solomon's Seals.
I am not sure what this flower is-it is in our flower bed as well as the next ones.
White bleeding hearts.
And I tried to get a good close-up picture of this bumblebee, but it kept moving around!
I think this is called a burning bush.
These were all again on the same day.
Ahh! That was a good nap!
Those cumulonimbus clouds piled up-you could tell a storm was brewing.
Our flowerbed.
I think she was thinking about jumping-it would have been a loooong drop!
My younger brother converted this trailer into a wagon that's pulled by our tractor.
My father got this bike for me from an auction one Saturday-it rides well and is a very nice colour.
We bike and play here alot. It looked interesting with all those paths cut.
The evening sun was behind the cloud!
A sunset, again.
Shade wishes he could go out to catch the June bugs. Yum, yum!
These are only some of the pictures. I will do another post later on, hopefully. :) Most of those last pictures were taken on the same day.
Hokey Doodle that's a lot! Das zweite Bild mit der Katze ist lustig :D Der Garten sieht auch richtig schoen aus! Und der Buggy ist cool, bist du schon mit gefahren?