Saturday, May 30, 2015

Judo Competition

     Sorry for the bad quality of these photos - the combination of a cell phone camera and zooming up does not produce the best pictures. Everyone who participated did very well; it was a small competition, so some of us did not end up sparring due to the lack of people in our category.

Before the start.

Blue Judogi is E.

White belt is D.          

White belt (the person on top) is R.
      White belt is my father.


 White belt is M.



                            The medals.

*For your information, I chose the most spectacular moments. :)

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Spring, Mother's Day, and Everything Else This Season Brings ...

Niece and Aunt.

Mother's Day raspberry-lemon cupcakes.

Big Boy.

And Mother's Day Cake!


Visiting grandparents for Mother's Day.

Damaris entertaining herself.

Our favourite spot- the balcony.

Spring babies.

How many cranes can you see?

Maria Riedstra award for strings.

Reading to Damaris.

Michelle's Graduation Ceremony.

Sara's- won for cello at Kiwanis Music Festival.



Bitsy-watching the dog.



Night at Judo.

Can you see it?



and More Lilacs!

Star of Bethlehem and Solomon's Seals with a dandelion and bleeding hearts thrown in.


Maple Tree Seeds Scattered by the Wind.



Bleeding Hearts.

Church Barrels.

Chestnut Tree Blossoms (Very pretty, aren't they?).

Pouring Rain.

Though it only lasted a couple of minutes.

Looking Refreshed,

But Threatening.

Sorry, the pictures aren't the greatest quality, because they are taken with a cell phone.