Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The Garden and June Bugs(Yuck!).

     So, we(well, I didn't) went swimming yesterday. It was so hot and humid and we were working in the garden all day. We have to pick and squish potato bugs and pick strawberries and we have had some salads made with spinach and radishes from the garden. With the strawberries, we often make strawberry jam to keep, and sometimes bake with fresh strawberries( like strawberry pie[very yummy]). Potato bugs is probably one of the most unpleasant chores. Oh well, the potatoes that we can eat make up for that. :)
     The June bugs are also out. They bump into windows and buzz around. They are so clumsy and one of my least favourite bugs next to potato bugs.  

Friday, June 21, 2013


     I thought the first day of summer was yesterday, but Google says it's today. Oh well, either way, it is summer now and I'm glad. :) And the pool is open, so we will be able to go swimming in it soon, since it is quite hot.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Canada's Wonderland!

     Yesterday, we went to Canada's Wonderland for my older sister's birthday. I must say, though, that I definitely don't like any wild rides and that any rides are not really for me. I stayed mostly with the younger children and went on those rides. Since I am short, I managed to go on some rides that my younger sisters couldn't! Anyway, I have some pictures, but they will come later, as my camera battery is dead.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Ride the Wave Event-World Vision

     On May 2, this year, we went to the Ride the Wave event at World Vision headquarters. It was very "interesting and informative(as my mother says)" and explained child sponsorship and how World Vision picks an area to "develop" and help them to become self-sufficient-it's called Area Development Program or ADP. Anyway, here are some pictures that I took. There aren't many of the actual program, just of the building, mostly.

The sign and the buildings.

 I guess that this is a "puzzle" of famous people visiting Africa's poor and World Vision's locations.

 To promote sponsorship.

      The words say, "World Vision is a Christian relief, development and advocacy organization dedicated to working with children, families and communities to overcome poverty and injustice."
 The doors.
 While we waited to get in...

A close-up of a dandelion.

It looks like there is hoarfrost on this thistle, but that's just a close-up of it.

Monday, June 10, 2013

The Promised Post :)

June already! Now, here are all the pictures. Sorry that they are all mixed up-there are dates written on the later pictures.

A sunset. :)

Shade makes himself comfortable!

Iris.A blue one.

Star of Bethlehem closed up for the night.

These are both the same spot in a bush; the top one used flash and the bottom one did not.

The sun setting over a field and garden.

Spinning around. :) It's a cool effect!

The pond.

Both of these are the pond, too.

A round moon one clear night.

The date is on here. It's an interesting picture.

Looks like these were all on the same day. Maybe at different times, though.

A bumblebee on the Solomon's Seals.

I am not sure what this flower is-it is in our flower bed as well as the next ones.

White bleeding hearts.

And I tried to get a good close-up picture of this bumblebee, but it kept moving around!

I think this is called a burning bush.

These were all again on the same day.

Ahh! That was a good nap!

Those cumulonimbus clouds piled up-you could tell a storm was brewing.

Our flowerbed.

I think she was thinking about jumping-it would have been a loooong drop!

My younger brother converted this trailer into a wagon that's pulled by our tractor.

My father got this bike for me from an auction one Saturday-it rides well and is a very nice colour. 

We bike and play here alot. It looked interesting with all those paths cut.

The evening sun was behind the cloud!

A sunset, again.

Shade wishes he could go out to catch the June bugs. Yum, yum!

These are only some of the pictures. I will do another post later on, hopefully. :) Most of those last pictures were taken on the same day.