Friday, January 30, 2015

Flight of Fancy

Enjoying her friend immensely! 

She was worried, because she didn't know where the bird went.

Monday, January 19, 2015

And So It Is...

     Finally, we have a new, updated computer as the other one crashed. I really enjoyed the time that was "net-less" and I wonder if I should start this blog up, again.
     Please send your comments if you enjoyed the pictures and musings; and I will think about it. I have accumulated a good amount of photos, and over only a third of a year, a lot has changed.
  • I have become an aunt for the second time this January
  • I have been busy getting college applications in order
  • I got a yellow belt in Judo
  • My baby sister is talking-a lot-and growing more and more (although the turkey is still heavier!)
  • We replaced our van when it was totaled
  • Etcetera ( I cannot think of anything more at the moment)...
     But last year was a good year all the same. At the end, God gave me peace to know that I had done well, even though I have made many mistakes.
A blessed and belated New Year to you all.