Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Spring Flowers!

The crocuses started to bloom right after the ice storm.

I don't know what these are called.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Ice Storm

     We had an ice storm last night and the power went off at 3 am and stayed off until 12 pm the next day. We had to live like pioneers for a short time-we melted snow and ice to have water for washing and cleaning. Though it was beautiful to see everything coated with ice, there were quite a few trees down and many, many downed powerlines, and hazardous driving conditions. I think that some people are still now without power. We were all relieved when the power came back on!
Our windows were all iced over! I didn't get any other pictures, because my camera battery was dead.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Kiwanis Is Over!

     Well, we are all glad that Kiwanis is over and we can relax a little! I think that we all did pretty well and had fun despite being nervous alot of the time. :) Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures.
     I had really thought that spring was here, but this morning, when I looked out the window, there was a layer of snow on the ground! Plus, it's freezing again!

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Practicing, Practicing, and Practicing!

            Practically all of the five pianos in our house are now in use for practicing.                                              

This is our Kiwanis schedule.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Shade and Bella, Our Cats.

Shade having a catnap.

Bella, cleaning her paws.


Bellsy, sleeping at another unusual cat spot.

Curiosity killed the cat, Shade!(It could)
Bella's favourite spot to hide during the day and nap.

One of Shade's favourite spots to nap if the younger children don't bother him.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013


     I haven't written here for quite awhile, as there was Good Friday and then Easter, Easter Monday, and Easter Tuesday. So now I am back again.
     Next week is Kiwanis and we are all starting to feel a little nervous and we are also being made to practice more.
          On the way home from work, two raccoons and a deer crossed the road in front of us!
Easter Flowers!