Tuesday, September 27, 2016

September 18 - 19, 2016

(An extra picture)
My grandmother, father, and uncle faced a very difficult decision. My grandfather had suffered a heart attack, and then a  stroke, and the decision had to be made whether to keep him alive with quality of life compromised or to make him comfortable until he went home. We didn't want to deny him his longing, and he passed away on September 18, 2016. 

Concord grapes - few and far between.

The chestnuts are growing (oh, the joys of playing with them!)

I found that the true colour of the sunset that was shining through the trees only manifested itself when I was moving the phone camera.

The beautiful "decorations" on the chestnut.

Early morning fog.

The moon was still out.
Found this little guy as I was going to school.
He was crawling along - not a care in the world.

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Labour Day

     The best and most relaxing Labour (what does "labour" mean anyway [Sarcasm]) Day holiday we had before school started. We got a lot accomplished and it was the best way to keep the school jitters away.
Sooo many tomatoes this year!

Manual manure spreader (and a new driver who couldn't keep his eyes to the front, because he was so excited about that manure!).

Having a ride on the new tractor (I haven't gotten a chance to drive it yet).

Alphabet, the pony, helped with the weeding (aka "weed-eating." :D)

And a fine-looking garden at the end of the day.

Art credits go to bigger brother - accomplished artist, ain't he?
And of course, no day goes by without an "incident"!
As the story goes (related by my little brother), the bigger brother was rototilling when it suddenly lurched forward. The bigger brother flew through the air (so I was told, although exaggeration does run rampant in our family) and landed on his bottom into a batch of thistles (apparently they were just regular weeds, but who knows). As my little brother recounts, "I was just laughing my head off!"
And a gorgeous sunset (God's absolutely beautiful creation).
(I believe this was from another day)

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Halfway Log Dump - Bruce Peninsula National Park

One hot summer day, we drove off to Halfway Log Dump, way up by Tobermory. Awesome.
These were the biggest waves I have ever seen in person, and they were amazing to play in!
(This was from about a month ago or so.)
Setting up a straw bale tractor for the International Plowing Match in Minto.




The combination of cold water, cloudy skies, and a breeze made it pretty cool.

After her "official" deput into the water, she was freezing and therefore swaddled in dry towels to warm up.

She had her afternoon nap on a surf/paddle/whateverboard with the waves crashing behind her.

Who could have a better sleep than that; and when she woke up, she was toasty warm.


We built rock houses to block the wind, so we could warm up.


This explains the name. I believe I took a clear-enough picture for it to be read.