Friday, January 25, 2013

This Is What Happens When School Is Boring...

     So, my sisters and I were a little bit bored in school and we all happen to dislike a particular subject...
First M, my younger sister, wrote:
Math is boring,
Math is dumb.
Math makes people
Taste like rum.

Then S, another of my younger sisters added something:
Math is crazy,
Math is drear,
Math makes people
Very queer.
Then they asked R (another of my younger sisters) and I to contribute:
Math hurts people,
Math ruins brains,
Math belongs
Down in the drain!
Me(it doesn't fit with the other verses, though):
Math-that word makes people cringe
And cower in their shoes.
It breaks their brains in tiny bits
Just adding two and two!
When I showed R, she contributed, too,...
Math is fun and
Math is kind.
Math makes you
Be smart in mind!

Math is happy
Just like a song.
Math keeps you entertained
All day long!
That was not what I expected, but it is like her. :)

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Happy Birthday, S!
I wish him God's blessing. It is also his first birthday as a married person.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Kingston! and :( Also, Freezing Tempuratures

     On Thursday, we went to Kingston for one day, as my father attended a meeting there. Unfortunately, alot of the sights were closed for the season, so we couldn't visit Fort Henry. We drove there anyway to see the outside of it, at least. We also saw the Saint Laurence Seaway or River. Alot of it was frozen. I would have liked to walk around more, but the air was freezing cold and alot of us were tired, anyway, from driving 4 hours the night before. We didn't do much else. We were fascinated by the French and Indian names, though, as Cataraqui Centre, Frontenac,etc.
     Yesterday, our German guest left again for his home. It was so nice to have him here and I am glad that he will be returning to us in about 2 months.
     The tempurature has been, for the past couple of days, in the -10s and 20s, so it is quite cold, not to mention the windchill, which can make it 30 or 40 below 0ยบ. It has also snowed. :) We are glad for that.

Happy Birthday, L!
Today is my sister's birthday. I hope that she has a special day. :)

Thursday, January 17, 2013


     The snow is back! At first there was only a little bit but the flakes kept getting bigger until, when I got out of work, the ground was covered in snow.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

January Thaw

     Well, the snow is now all melted as well as the skating rink. I hope we will get our snow back. Although, it's very cold, it looks like spring outside. We are all very disappointed except the people who don't like the snow.

Monday, January 7, 2013

On The Opposite Side of Canada(My Brother)

     My brother, S and his new wife left for Alberta on the second of January. I was a little sad to see them leave for Alberta is so far away from Ontario and they were going to stay about half a year-such a long time for being so far away. The reason for leaving was because there are lots of good jobs out there and my brother decided to try it out. He seems to like it, so I am glad for him. :)

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Lots of Stuff That I Have Neglected to Say...

     First of all,we didn't have very much snow for Christmas; it all came afterwards. Now we have snow in abundance to go sledding and tobagganing. We have also started a skating rink on our lawn. I can't wait to use it! I actually haven't been outside very often this and last week,but hopefully I will be able to soon. :)
     On the fourth Advent(the sunday before Christmas) we had our church Christmas Program. It is my favourite part of Christmas. I don't really know why. Maybe because I love to sing and so take part in the carols and Christmas songs. We had some really nice Christmas songs this year,which I was glad for,too. The Christmas Program always used to be all-or practically all-German,but gradually turned to English.
     On Christmas Eve,we went to our grandparents for a Christmas supper and presents,then on Christmas Day and Second Christmas Day we went to church for the regular services and opened some of our presents at home. Close to New Year's, we opened our secret people presents.
     On New Year's Day,we went to church, as well, for the regular services(we go to celebrate the day of Jesus' circumcision and naming).
     Each year we get a good many Christmas cards, as well as sending out a good bunch. We have 4 strings filled with Christmas cards. Some people commented on how many we had.