Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The Garden and June Bugs(Yuck!).

     So, we(well, I didn't) went swimming yesterday. It was so hot and humid and we were working in the garden all day. We have to pick and squish potato bugs and pick strawberries and we have had some salads made with spinach and radishes from the garden. With the strawberries, we often make strawberry jam to keep, and sometimes bake with fresh strawberries( like strawberry pie[very yummy]). Potato bugs is probably one of the most unpleasant chores. Oh well, the potatoes that we can eat make up for that. :)
     The June bugs are also out. They bump into windows and buzz around. They are so clumsy and one of my least favourite bugs next to potato bugs.  

1 comment:

  1. Why no swimming? Muss man dich erst reinwerfen?Wer seine Arbeit geniessen will, muss davor erst arbeiten, ganz richtig. Strawberry bugs sind zum Glueck noch nicht invented.


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